
Sheridan Gold LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registration number OC351316.

Sheridan Gold LLP’s registered office is at Hamilton House, 87-89 Bell Street, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 7AN.

Sheridan Gold LLP is regulated by The Solicitors Regulation Authority. The Solicitors Regulation Authority of England and Wales regulations for solicitors are available online at A list of members of Sheridan Gold LLP is open to inspection at its registered office.

The Firm’s GB VAT registration number is 983402120


Use of the website

The website is owned by Sheridan Gold LLP. You agree to use this site for lawful purposes only and in a manner which is consistent with any and all applicable law and regulation in the country in which you access this site.  For further information refer to our Terms and Conditions.


Complaints Handling Procedure

Our complaints procedure

If you have a complaint, please contact us in writing with the details.

What will happen next?

  1. We will send you a letter acknowledging receipt of your complaint within three working days of our receiving the complaint, enclosing a copy of this procedure.
  2. We will then investigate your complaint. This will normally involve passing your complaint to our Senior Partner, Peter Sheridan, who will review the relevant file and speak to the lawyer who acted for you.
  3. The Senior Partner will then invite you to a meeting to discuss, and try to resolve your complaint. He will do this within 21 days of sending you the acknowledgement letter.
  4. Within seven days of the meeting, the Senior Partner will write to you to confirm what took place and any solutions he has agreed with you.
  5. If you do not want a meeting or it is not possible, the Senior Partner will send you a detailed written reply to your complaint, including his suggestions for resolving the matter, within 28 days of sending you the acknowledgement letter.
  6. If you are still not satisfied , you should contact us again setting out your comments and we will review our decision and write to you within 14 days of receiving your request for a review confirming the firm’s final position on your complaint and explaining our reasons.
  7. If your complaint concerns the Senior Partner, then the same procedure as set out at paragraphs 2 – 7 will apply, except that Jonathan Gold will undertake the steps normally undertaken by the Senior Partner.
  8. If you are still not satisfied, you can then contact the Legal Ombudsman about your complaint. The Legal Ombudsman can investigate complaints up to six years from the date of the problem happening or within three years of when you found out about the problem. If you wish to refer your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman this should be made within six months of the date of our final decision on your complaint. For further information you should


Call 0300 555 0333,

For minicom call 0300 555 1777


Write:  Legal Ombudsman, PO Box 6806, Wolverhampton, WV1 9WJ


Do not send original documents to the Legal Ombudsman. They will scan any documents you send to make computer copies and then destroy the originals.

If we have to change any of the timescales above, we will let you know and explain why.